Saturday, August 15, 2009

Glory Catering

Categories: Cakes and Pastries, Nasi Padang, Peranakan Nonya, Malay Kueh, Popiah, Halal-Muslim

Located at 139 East Coast Road., Singapore 428829

This is the Katong outlet and restaurant of Glory Catering which makes a wide range of traditional confections, kuehs, and festive snacks. The shop is a mini-restaurant (air-con) where you can savour nasi padang and curries. The front of the shop displays and sells a wide range of fresh kuehs, agar-agar (seaweed jelly), glutinous rice dumplings (bak chang) and packaged festive cookies and snacks (peanut biscuits, pineapple tarts, egg rolls and tarts etc). All the food is halal including the bakchang, so you only get chicken meat in the meat version of the dumplings.



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